Friday 12 July 2013

5 things to think about when choosing jewellery as a gift

Most women and a lot of men loving receiving jewellery as a gift but choosing the right piece is a bit of a minefield for the person giving the gift.

The symbolism and economic value attached to jewellery means that it’s important to get it right when choosing a piece for someone else. This might not seem as important when choosing costume jewellery of relatively low value, but I would say that even then, your choice will make a statement about your relationship. For example, a girl who loves rabbits might be thrilled to receive a cheap pair of novelty earrings with little silver bunnies on them, but might not be as thrilled to get a necklace with a little fox on it.

Choosing high value jewellery requires even more thought. If your girlfriend always wears silver it might not be a good idea to go out and buy her gold without asking first. Gold is often mixed with nickel to make it stronger and your girlfriend might just be allergic to nickel. Buy her a gold ring and she might come out in a rash, not the reaction you were looking for.

Here are 5 tips to help you choose the right jewellery for the right person:

  1. Beauty is definitely ‘in the eye of the beholder’ when it comes to jewellery. Some people like dainty silverware but others like chunky pieces adorned with crystals and stones. Some people only wear gold and others prefer silver. Young girls tend to love novelty jewellery but a young Goth or Emo would want skulls or coffins instead of fluffy pink dice earrings.
  2. The cost of the piece will speak volumes. Your intended recipient might feel uncomfortable if you have only known them for a couple of months and you buy them a necklace worth hundreds of pounds. If you give someone an expensive gold ring they may assume you have offered them a lifelong commitment, particularly if you are romantically involved. Conversely, if you’ve known them for years and you are close friends or romantically attached, they are likely to be disappointed if your gift looks cheap and shoddy.
  3. The type of jewellery is important. Braceletsand necklaces are versatile and can be given to anyone. They range in price and style to suit all tastes and they are ideal if you want a gift that tells someone they are important to you.  Rings are more personal and, unless they are very cheap, usually need to be fitted. They are more symbolic of a longer term relationship.
  4. The composition of the piece will give out messages you may or may not want to give. Gemstones, crystals and charms are linked to astrological signs, religious rituals, pagan beliefs and a whole range of traditions and cultures. Most of them have symbolic meanings so it’s important to choose the right one. Some charms are symbols of luck or personal qualities such as loyalty or strength and crystals are considered to have healing powers. Many people would be delighted to receive gemstones, crystals and charms but others might be offended because of the traditions and meanings attached to them.
  5. Buy jewellery with the person in mind. When choosing jewellery for someone other than yourself it is vitally important to walk past the pieces that you like the most.  Whether you are a man or a woman, and whether you are buying for a man or a woman, there are few of us who can walk past a stunning piece of jewellery without wanting to buy it. There is something about jewellery that suits the human psyche. Observe what the person likes, forget what you like and think about who they are. Do that and you should get it right.
I'd love to hear about your good and bad experiences of buying jewellery for someone else. Please leave a comment.